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Friday 28 November 2008

Heidi Montag Happy And Confident With Her New " Baloon "

Heidi Montag Revenge Plastic SurgeryHeidi Montag Revenge Plastic Surgery

"Boys always made fun of me for being so flat." said Heidi.

Heidi Montag has confirms plastic surgery.

In an exclusive interview, Montag confirms what Us first reported in its April 23 issue: that she had undergone rhinoplasty and breast augmentation earlier that month.

The 21-year-old aspiring singer opens about her decision to go under the knife, enlarging from a 32-A to a 32-C, and the painful body-­image problems that spurred her to make a change.

Tell Us why you had the surgeries.

“I’ve always been very insecure about my body. My whole life, I looked at my chest and was like, OK, they’re going to grow. This is my year! And it never happened. I was less than an A-cup. I wore pushup bras, which cut into my skin. If I was with a guy and there was a girl next to me with big boobs, I would be like, Oh, my God, he’s looking at her! On the beach, if I was standing next to a girl with big boobs, I’d be like, I hate her! I hated my nose too. I have my dad’s nose, which is huge. It took up so much of my face, when I looked down, I could see my nose. I couldn’t get away from it!”

Were you ever teased about your appearance?

“People would say, “You have such a big nose!” And they’d make fun of me for being so flat, and say mean boy things, like, “If you nailed two nails in a board, they would be bigger than you are.” I was tormented. And when I was older, I’d want to be intimate, but I’d feel insecure. My boyfriends always had bigger chests than I did!”

A lot of people believe Spencer pressured you into surgery, since he's made his love of Playboy bunnies known.

“He had nothing to do with it. If anything, he said, 'maybe you should think about it a lot longer'."

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Heidi Montag Revenge Plastic SurgeryHeidi Montag Revenge Plastic SurgeryHeidi Montag Revenge Plastic SurgeryHeidi Montag Revenge Plastic SurgeryHeidi Montag Revenge Plastic Surgery

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